Fishstickittie's Poker Blog

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Football, Beer, Wings and No Poker...

It's been over a week and as I write I am staving off the distractions of a room full of people. Family if you will. I started out actually working on the computer and "gave up". It's rather hard to concentrate when your wife decides that it is more important to know what new store is located next to the "Payless".

I've tried to institute a speak only when spoken to policy at the home, but chose to live instead. Before long Sunday's will once again be the domain of MAN and not of mindless chatter filling every nook and cranny of the home. The one thing my wife does understand is that Sundays are sacred, between September and February.

Tonight is the first home preseason game for the Colts, and I plan on attending. Nevermind the large bid that I must have complete by mid-morning on Monday. Work can wait.

It's about a 3-1/2 hour drive to the stadium and I will be making the trek alone. Looking forward to it after a morning of an 8 year old daughter, WITH her friend, a 14 month old son that has discovered the art of foot-travel, a mother-in-law who's career is embedding "design" ideas into my wife's head (aka. "hey, I got a project for you"), and my wife (see above "Payless" reference).

I have 4 tickets to the game and will be meeting a buddy and his friend from Louisville. Prior to the game we will meet up with a few more friends, native Indy-ites, for some wings and beer. A football season staple.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger The Kid In The Big Sombrero said...

Damn. I can't get an invite? I mean, yah, I was at Wrigley and all... but I would like the opportunity to turn you down.

Did ya scalp the xtra tic?

Did you tell Payton I said, "Hi?"

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Fishstickkittie said...

i gave the tick to my sister. and i am the founder of the gorillas. it stays.


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