Fishstickittie's Poker Blog

Monday, July 24, 2006

Going to Miss the CP League Tonight

Cardplayer was the poker forum where I began posting about 9 months ago. I learned a lot there from some of the more respected members but around February I was invited into a "secret forum". It's essentially a break-off from CP that is cleaner, less spam and no "trolling" or "flaming". Most of the "veteran" players that were on CP's forum from it's inception created this forum. It has been very beneficial to me, as I've met some new friends and learned a LOT about poker.

Anyways, I tend to stray off the point could be why I'm such a fan of Hemmingway, tonight is the regular CP Forum League on Stars. I really, really would like to play in this but feel it is wise to step-aside for a week or two until I am more comfortable with my current bankroll situations.

It was nice to get "staked" for a couple of weeks by a friend and forum member, but now that I am making some headway w/ my BR I feel it is time to "leave the nest". I had planned on being ready to play tonight but unfortunately my good friend "bud" persuaded me into a few too many post last night in a $.25/$.50 O8 game. D'OH! Actually I ended the night up about $5 but was up almost $20 at one point. Got a little silly and chased a hand or two I should not have. So it goes.

Even though the game will most likely still be beyond my current BR situation I feel that if I am running good I should at least take a chance. The players are SOOOO poor that it really should just be a matter of time. I've played five of these and bubbled in 6th the first two; played the other three during my "dark period". (and if these comments sound a little one-sided, watch the play sometime if you get a chance. very little true understanding of the game.)

So off I go to try to find a soft game for tonight to work on the BR. I may play another 45 man $1 SNG on Stars as I've been running good in those lately, but if there is a soft NL cash game I will definitely sit.


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